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Stay healthy in winter

As we get older, changes to our bodies mean that cold weather and winter bugs affect us more than they used to.

But what's changed, and why does it mean we're more likely to get sick over winter? Let's explore how ageing affects our body's responses - and what we can do to keep healthy.  

Our immune system doesn’t function as well as we age

Our immune system helps us fight off germs and infections.

Colds, flu and pneumonia are all more common in winter. Last year over 60% of cases of flu that needed hospital treatment were in people over 65. So it's a good idea to take extra steps to avoid a nasty illness.


What you can do 

Get your free flu jab – even if you're fighting fit

Everyone over 65 is entitled to a free flu jab from the doctor or pharmacist. This year, it has a new agent which helps boost your immune system’s response to the vaccine. Even if you're fit and healthy, it's a great idea to get the jab to help protect yourself and others.

Read more about flu and why the jab's important

Ask about the pneumo jab

There's a vaccine for pneumonia too. Check if you're eligible when you get your flu jab.

Wash your hands regularly

Simple but effective – washing your hands helps step germs spreading.

Stock up on cold and sore throat remedies

Your pharmacist can give you advice if you're feeling under the weather.

Top tip: Get your flu jab every year

Flu viruses are always changing, so you need a jab every year, using the latest vaccine. Flu isn’t only unpleasant, it can also develop into pneumonia, which can be serious.

The cold puts more pressure on our hearts and circulatory systems

As we get older, our body has to work harder to keep us warm.

If you're exposed to a cold environment for a long time, or in extreme cold for only a short time, your blood pressure rises and your blood thickens. This can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. 

What you can do 

Wrap up well when you go out in the cold

Layering's the best way to keep warm in winter. Don't forget a hat, gloves, thick socks and a scarf.

Read our top tips for keeping your hands and feet warm

Make sure your home is warm enough

The ideal room temperature you should be aiming for is about 21 degrees in your living room, and about 18 degrees in your bedroom.

Having trouble heating your home? There's help available

Top tip: A scarf can help you breathe easy

Try wrapping a scarf around your face before you go out in the cold. It'll warm up the cold air before you breathe it in, reducing the risk of chest infections.

Our bodies lose muscle mass, so don’t keep us as warm

If you find you feel the cold more than you used to, that's totally normal. 

From about the age of 55, we lose around 1% of our muscle mass every year. It doesn't sound a lot, but muscle is what keeps us warm. 

What you can do 

Keep moving

Try not to sit still for more than one hour at a time. Even if just move your arms and legs, it'll help keep you toasty.

Eat well

Aim for at least one hot meal every day as well as warm drinks throughout the day.

Top tip: Try our winter warmer recipes

From fish pie to a hearty stew, these tasty dishes are sure to fuel your fire!

Download our free guide

Our Winter wrapped up guide has lots of useful information to help you stay well through winter.

We're here to help

We offer support through our free advice line on 0800 055 6112. Lines are open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year. We also have specialist advisers at over 140 local Age UKs.

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Last updated: Dec 12 2018

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